Česta Pitanja
How can I order?
Online orders can be made through the site by registering and signing up. You can also order by e-mail, instagram or facebook, as well as on the phone number provided for Online support.
How do I find out more about the product?
To find out more about a particular product, click on a small image of that product, on the right you can read a specific description such as the characteristics and the way they are used. If you think the description is not complete, you can contact us via facebook, instagram or e-mail.
In which cities does Urban Pro Cosmetics exist?
Urban Pro Cosmetics store – Jovana Stojanovića F-1 Bar,
A-Cosmetics Professional Podgorica – Radoja Dakića 17 / Podgorica
A-Cosmetics Professional Herceg Novi – Save Ilića 18
A-Cosmetics Professional Budva – Rozino bb
A-Exclusive – Tržni centar TQ Plaza / Budva
How can I register and log in?
1. In the top right corner of the site, click on the LOGIN icon
2. When a new field opens, click on NEW ACCOUNT
3. Enter a valid Username, Mail, and Password that were not previously used on the site.
4. Congratulations, you have created an account on the site.
5. After that, you can add the addresses where you want the orders to arrive
and start your urban adventure.